Lamplighter Challenge

Dear Younger Me – Castle Hill & Cave Stream, New Zealand

March 23, 2017

Our camp on the edge of Tekapo Lake is one of the most scenic camping spots I have even stayed in. The water was so glacier blue that it seemed like it must not be real. It was only when you try putting your body in that water that you understand how real it is! […]

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Jesus Loves Me – Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

March 22, 2017

After twenty-four hours of non-stop travel Sydney and I are finally settled into a nice cozy campsite that was literally a gift from the Lord. We are nestled in grove of fir trees overlooking a glacier blue lake. Amazingly, we have the place to ourselves too. You have to know exactly where you can camp […]

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Into Thin Air – Traveling to Middle Earth

March 21, 2017

After our twelve and a half hour flight, Auckland came into view through the early morning clouds. As the lights of the big city I had a sudden twinge of “what on earth are you doing bringing a young girl half way around the world”. It was such a abnormal thought for me that I […]

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Homeward Bound – Scotland to USA

November 3, 2015

At 11p, I guess we had been sleeping enough, so the Holiday Inn in Glasgow kindly woke us up with a fire alarm drill. Chloe forgot to grab her jacket so she was pretty cold standing outside in the rain in the Scottish night. One of the hotel staff kindly gave her his own suit […]

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A Local Perspective – Scotland, Edinburgh

November 3, 2015

When we got to Edinburgh, we went to our new room for the night. We were blown away at the upscale nature and size of it. It would have easily fit three plus London boat rooms inside of it and the staff were so helpful. They even got online and searched for a place for […]

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Just Smashing – England, London

October 20, 2015

Jesus is using my Chloe to teach me again. I am all about trip logistics and making sure all the various pieces fit together to flow well. Chloe is all about Jesus and is more concerned with all the lost souls around us. It reminds me very much of Martha and Mary. Martha was so […]

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Dover Rocks – England, Dover

October 19, 2015

We found rain for the first time on our trip here in Dover, England. It was a soaking drizzle more than a real rainstorm. We put on our extra jackets and hats as we left the train station hoping to stay a little more dry. The first thing we did was ask a local about […]

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Our Faithful God – George Muller Testimony

October 17, 2015

Today finds us in Bristol, England. We came to Bristol for one purpose, to visit the George Muller Museum. George Muller is a hero of the faith for our family. He loved the Lord and dedicated his life to showing how the Lord is faithful in the area of prayer. What I love about George […]

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A Forest and the Pub – England, Sherwood & Oxford

October 15, 2015

We spent a travel day yesterday getting from Kendal to Mansfield. The closest place I could find to the Sherwood Forest. Our original plan was to also go see the forest that day, but we would have gotten there thirty minutes before it closed and I did not really know how much time our visit […]

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Up on a Hill – England, Ambleside

October 14, 2015

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:3 One thing I love about being a dad is that it gives me the chance to be a kid over and over again. Chloe and I laughed so hard and so long […]

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