The 10 Year Old Lamplighter Adventure Challenge is the result of my quest to instill character in the hearts of my children. In our society we no longer challenge our children to do hard things, therefore they remain children. I decided to challenge the paradigm to find out what the results will be. The celebration for a task well done is a daddy adventure of each child’s choosing.
The Funhog Family 50 State Challenge is the result of my journey to find a story that is larger than myself that I can invite my family into. It is not about easy, but instead about something that will require a struggle to overcome and the opportunity to develop character. My family needs me and it is time to invest in what matters most. I can not not do this, I have been called to serve and sacrifice myself for my family.
We did (as of 10/2012):
- Visit each state in the United States of America
- Experience a unique adventure per state
- Interview ministries, families, and people that have impacted our family
- Celebrate marriage and family
- Make family the adventure and relationship the journey, showing that a family of seven on the road is not only possible, but only a stepping stone to the adventures to come.
We are excited to meet you, so join us for an adventure or follow our journey through our Blog. See where we are right now and where we are going next by going to our Itinerary.