Virginia – A Tunnel, a Colony, and a Hurricane

by Funhog Family on August 29, 2011

Bombs Away

Being driven onward by the threat of hurricane Irene, we made our way toward the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. We knew nothing about this man made marvel (a series of bridges and tunnels that go over and under the Chesapeake Bay) until a week ago, when people started asking us if we were going to cross it. It turned out that the route we had planned included it. We just had to get across bridge-tunnel before the hurricane winds got above 75 knots, which would shut it down. Being a full day before the hurricane allowed us plenty of time. It was really fun to see a fully loaded cargo ship on a collision course with the bridge we were on and then just before impact, the bridge went underground into a tunnel. So, we were able to go under the ship and the Chesapeake Bay! At the end of the tunnel we all looked back to see the ship on the other side of the bridge.

Attacking the Fort

Since we had so much time before the storm we decided to stop in at colonial Williamsburg. There were no crowds, as everyone had evacuated due to the coming storm. We got to enjoy the place to ourselves and enjoyed it. There was so much history in the buildings and in the people we meet who were dressed and acting as the people of the colonial era. The kids liked the stockade the best as they got to pretend they were prisoners carrying out their sentence. It was also cool to go into the stores, which were setup and sold things from that time period. As it started raining we knew it was time to move on. We made it to Petersburg before deciding we should spend the night in a hotel to stay dry for the night. The next morning it was pitch black outside with the rain and winds howling. Checking the weather we found out the worst of the storm would not come until 3pm, so we decided to leave and drive inland towards Asheville, North Carolina. It was very windy and rainy for a couple of hours, but as we put more and more distance between us and the path of the hurricane our weather began to improve. By the time we reached Asheville we were treated to a windless sunny sky.

New Training Technique


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