Follow the Leader

by Funhog Family on January 1, 2013

There they go — I must hurry and catch up with them for I am their leader. Unknown

How good are you at living, “Follow the Leader”? We all have a leader, regardless of our choice to follow or not. God is the creator of order and leadership. He is the one who gave us roles. God is the head of man, as man is the head of his wife, as the parents are the head of their children (the family). The more authority God gives through our role, the more responsibility we have to use that authority in a God honoring way. Jesus is our example. He is a leader who knows not only how to lead, but also how to follow His leader! Enjoy this clip of Jodi as she struggles with following the leader and what she discovers through the process.


Jeff January 7, 2013 at 10:54 pm

Awesome……Thx guys

marlene stearns January 8, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Dear precious Funhog fanily,
May our Heavenly Father richly bless you as you raise your family for Him. You have a wonderful ministry, and may God”s blessings be upon you. If we never meet again on this earth, we will meet at Jesus feet.
God Bless,
Marlene Stearns

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